Enjoying a session of erotic massage, whether it takes place in your own private home or in the erotic massage parlour in your city, start by placing the body of the one that is being massaged so that it will sit as comfortably as possible, being possible for the person to enjoy all that is being offered, both visually and tactile. This type of positioning takes away the stress and the tension from ones body. The massage starts by placing the person that will receive the massage with the face down. The pillow on which the person will lay the face has to be adjusted so that the breathing can be done easily and it will be confortable. Also, the head, neck, back, hips and legs have to be pampered, creating a feeling of escape or levitating. Adjusting pillows under the hips or calves helps creating the perfect position for a massage that will show results in no time.

Having the perfect position for a massage

Next to the head and the body, positioning the arms makes the one receiving the massage more comfortable and may extend the period in which the person will feel amazing thanks to the sensual massage that is being done to him. Therefore place the arms and hands of the person in a heart shaped position alongside the body and tell him to inhale deep to start the massage session. After doing the massage with the face down, tell him to turn with his face up and change the position of the body. This will led to the facial pillow and pillow that is underneath his calves and hipss to go through some adjustments. You will have to put a towel under the head of the person, more exactly under the neck and put the pillow under the knees. Let him enjoy you touching his face, his head, neck, chest, arms, hands, feet and soles.

Techniques of slippery touches

This technique is the best one for applying oil for a warm massage. In this case you should be using big moves and pinches, slippery and fluent. Let then your hands go deep in the skin and muscles to calm the pain and fully detensionate the back and all of the masked areas. This erotic massage technique is borrowed from the regular massage and can be done in the same area a couple of times. Regarding this, you can choose to move your hands alongside the body of the person that benefits from the relaxation, paying special attention to body language and the initial state of excitement.


This technique is a tip of Japanese pressure with the help of fingers using the palms and tip of the fingers to open new ways through the energy from the inside. It works especially better when the masseuse is concentrating more on the hands and feet as much as she is on the area found at the back of the knees. Shiatsu is a technique of sensual massage that reduces stress and helps creating that feel good vibe that we all long for. Tendering the skin of your partner or of the client as the erotic massage parlour is being done by grabbing the soft tissues. Pull up the skin, clench it and let it go. Repeat this process until you will feel that the whole tension is being released from the body of the “pacient”.