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Secrets of erotic massage art

Even though you may think you know your partner extremely well, there are still some spicy elements you can add to your relationship. A good example is related to the erotic massage art. Not any couple will experience this, but if you are tempted you can think about it as a perfect sexual way to get in touch with the man you love.

As many other jobs, erotic massages involve some key elements which only experts will know about, like:

  • You have to act as sensual as you can: erotic massages are focused on sensuality in order to obtain pleasure and to completely satisfy your beloved one
  • Intimate ambiance is very important: you can combine soft music with perfumed candles or with some other creative design ideas
  • The oil you will use may have aphrodisiac effects and represents an important trigger for the relaxation process
  • Use sensual moves while massaging (there are many videos on the internet you can use for inspiring yourself in this area)
  • Use your hands in a sensual way: sensual hand manipulation can cause intensive pleasure
  • Don’t stop discussing with your partner: usually, men are attracted to women who “talk dirty”, especially when it comes to an erotic massage
  • Encourage your partner, he will be more satisfied once he sees you’re excited regarding this experience
  • Avoid losing contact with his body (while massaging him, it is recommended to keep body contact)

There comes a time when each couple needs to experience something new. If you both are interested in erotic massages, there is some technical information about this procedure you need to be aware of, like:

  • Specialists in erotic massage art always use the full hand in each technique they practice
  • Specialists also keep the fingers closed together, that is recommended mostly because in this way reaching all the spots on the partner’s body is easier (also the hands will work harder than in a traditional massage)
  • It is also important to be careful with the idea of symmetry in erotic massages (specialists recommend to massage first one leg, then to start massaging the other leg and so on)
  • Learn to cause pleasure by using sensual body strokes
  • Focus around those body areas with the most touch receptors
  • Be careful not to forget to massage any part of the partner’s body
  • Get to massage the intimate area in the end (in this way, the desire will be amplified and the one who benefits of this erotic massage will have the opportunity to feel this closure more intense than in the situation where you start to massage the genital zone first)


Erotic massages are interesting techniques one can use in satisfying the partner in different ways than usually. There are couples who fear to lose their sexual bond. In this case, experiencing the art of erotic massage can be useful, but it could also remain one of that habits which can be repeated once in a while. There are some other couples who like the idea of new, and send their partner to an erotic massage salon.

Therefore, erotic massages have a great importance in a couple’s life, but, also, these are useful for one’s health:

  • It represents a great stress reliever
  • They have a great role in detoxifying the body
  • They help fighting against anxiety
  • They help building the inner strength
  • Erotic massages help improving social capacities
  • When it comes to problems as premature ejaculation, erotic massages are a good way to successfully treat it
  • They have a good action on some body organs (for example: the heart)
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The art of erotic massages: the perfect balance between mind relaxation and body health

We have all heard about those salons which provide services like erotic massages. Which is the main difference between this type of massage and the traditional one? Well, an erotic massage involves using many more relaxation techniques, but, mainly, it will consist in focusing on those tantric procedures.

How does erotic massage action on you?

Erotic massages represent an extremely used method in a couple’s life, with the main purpose of helping partners in sexual reconnection. Based on serotonin stimulation, which is also known as the happiness hormone, erotic massages play an important role in achieving the most intense balance between mind and body.

Combining body therapies with sexual pleasures, any woman can succeed in attracting her partner into an unforgettable experience. She can create the most intimate ambient by focusing on details like perfumed candles, diffused light or music in order to create the perfect space for achieving a relaxed mood based on sexuality. Also, women can opt for choosing the most provocative underwear accessorized with high heels or any other sensual outfits. In this way, the one who benefits from the erotic massage will have the opportunity to accommodate faster with the ambient and, also, to feel more open minded from the very beginning of this experience.


What do you need to consider when thinking about giving your partner an erotic massage?

It is well known that men are usually attracted to self-confident women. Being aware of this makes things much easier for any woman. We also know that men are tempted to hire experts (like high class escorts or those women who work in erotic massages salons), mainly, because their life partners are not enough open-minded regarding the fantasies they have. A professional woman who works in one of the areas mentioned above will never judge the client or make him feel complexed about his dreams or desires. That is the main reason why women have to encourage their partners to open themselves more when it comes to sexual discussions.

During an erotic massage, you have the freedom to explore as many techniques as you wish. You can choose to be completely naked or to keep a certain level of mystery. It is highly recommended to discuss with your boyfriend while massaging him, using some keywords which will turn him on. He has to know that you are enjoying this moment as much as he is.

Get rid of all inhibitions in order to satisfy your loved one.


Insights from the professionals in the erotic massage art

Even though it is tempting to believe that erotic massages involve a simple procedure (especially when it comes to long-term relationships where the life partners know each other for many years), sometimes one can encounter difficulties.

Before surprising your boyfriend with an erotic massage, you may want to choose carefully the oil you are going to use. For example, there are available some special oils with aphrodisiac effects.

Another important thing to consider is regarding the genital area. Specialists in erotic massage art recommend women to massage genitals only at the end of this process. It is proved that men will enjoy in a more intensive way if the intimate area is being avoided until the end. In this way, the desire amplifies and the pleasure will maximize.

The partner has to constantly hear from the woman he loves how much she wants him sexually (this is a tip which can be applied daily in a couple’s life).


Being aware of how important is diversity in your sexual life, you will successfully avoid boredom and monotony, enjoying memorable moments with your partner. An erotic massage can become one of the greatest experience you have ever had, which will certainly be repeated.

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