If you’re looking forward to offering an erotic massage to your partner, you will have a lot to learn. It’s not like you’re a professional, if it’s the first time you try it. In order for you both to have an incredible experience, we offer you some free tips in the following article. Read below the top 10 do’s and don’ts of erotic massage.

1. Erotic massage DON’T: oil applied directly to your partner’s body.

It may seem very exciting as you see it in movies, but squirting massage oil directly to your partner’s body can be very unpleasant. Instead, pour it into your palms and rub them together, to warm it first.

2. Use massage oil, not body lotions.

The massage oil is much more indicated, as body lotions absorb faster and often leave the skin dry just in a few minutes. Plus, they can stain your sheets and bed. For a perfect erotic massage, use massage oil – it’s lighter, easily absorbed and doesn’t ruin towels, clothes or sheets.

3. Slow things down.

There is no need to rush things. Erotic massage is all about getting to a degree of full satisfaction gradually, and you can ruin the whole experience if you start with deep and firm strokes. Slow down your rhythm, and focus on your partner’s pleasure.

4. Don’t exhaust your hands.

Erotic massage can get tiring if you overdo your efforts. A big mistake is using your thumbs at first, as after only a few minutes of strokes your hands will feel incredibly tired. Keep your thumbs as a secret weapon and save them for later, as you slow things down – see the previous step.

5. The importance of feedback.

If you want to offer the best erotic massage experience, you will have to ask your partner for feedback. Maybe the massage is too deep, or too light. Maybe you will get nothing but moans and groans, you’ll need to be careful withthose and keep going or change things a bit. Again, it’s all about feedback, about how the massage that you offer brings pleasure to your partner.

6. Don’t expect anything in return.

As you give your partner an erotic massage, don’t start with the mindset that you will receive one too. It’s your surprise for him, and you should focus on that. If you do a good job, surely you’ll be rewarded.

7. Get rid of all distractions.

Certainly you wouldn’t want to be interrupted, so put away any laptops, phones or any other devices that might get in the way. Be also sure that you have all what you need in that room – as there is nothing more frustrating than stopping in the middle of the erotic massage to go to another room for a towel.

8. Don’t forget any body part.

Your hands must contour your partner’s whole body. The more body you touch and massage, the better the experience.

9. Arrange a proper ambiance.

In order to get the maximum out of an erotic massage, you have to take care of all the details. Wine, subtle music, light candles and aromatherapy are some ingredients you could use to create the perfect ambiance.

10. Find a comfortable place for the massage

This is strictly related to how you and your partner will be positioned. The bed might be a good idea, but in fact it isn’t. The mattress is irregular and could eventually numb you or your partner’s body parts. The floor and some cushions for knees, back and neck is a much better idea.

That’s about it. Keep these 10 things in mind the next time you decide to offer your partner an erotic massage.