Our skin contains millions of nerve endings just waiting to be stimulated in a more sensual way than usual. Tantric erotic massage is an experience by which you can bring your boyfriend a total relaxation, the sublime pleasure, using only the power of touch. And in this purpose I have prepared a guide to erotic massage, which includes practical tips and techniques to achieve an exciting erotic massage.

What you should know is that in a professional erotic massage, sex is not included. Pubic can be touched, as well as other partner erogenous zones, but normal oral sex and regular sex are not part of the menu in this case.

Experts believe that massagen practiced beyond intercourse, the touching also has an important role, bringing us many benefits in a couple. Basically, we are programmed to feel pleasure when we are touched, because all over our skin is rich in nerve endings. The benefits of massage are both physical and mental or spiritual. An erotic massage experience helps treat premature ejaculation, relieves the feeling of anxiety and stress drives, rebalances circulation of the blood in the entire body, it relaxes the muscles and strengthens them. Also, the tehnicques of an erotic massage increases the fertility, improves the cardiac activity and other organs, detoxifies the body and increases intimacy between partners and sexual satisfaction in couples.

Erotic ambience

Silk sheets, ambiental sound background and candles with aphrodisiac flavors (such as lavender) are some things that should not miss from your love nest. In addition, you should know that the room in which the massage is taken, should have a temperature higher than 22 degrees Celsius. Essential oils for massage are also very important. Many people ignore this aspect when producing a first massage, but you should rub your hands with oil, then pour a few drops on the body of the partner. In this way, every touch is well lubricated and only them are causing the pleasure. Ideally, you should choose an essential oil with aphrodisiac scent (click on the Internet and discovers essential oils with adrodisiac effect ) for your own touch to provoke a more intense pleasure. Another tip would be to put the bottle of oil in hot water because the oil for massage is very cold.

Naked massage

Experts say that both the masseuse and client must be completely naked during the massage. This ensures the exchange of sexual energy between them. The intimate areas will be reached easier in the end. The massage should start with a series of relaxation techniques. The masseuse touches her client throughout the body, from head to toe, but will avoid to touch the intimate area. Only when you see that the body of your boyfriend is completely relaxed, you can you rub his penis. Erotic massage means permanent physical contact and throughout the massage, the masseurs bring a pleasant massage to the client. This ensures uninterrupted erotic power exchange between the two, but also body heat.