Many people are tempted to believe that practicing an erotic massage is an activity which should lead to a better sex. Well, this assumption is not entirely wrong, but it is also important to know that many sexual pleasures are not created just by the intercourse. For example, erotic massages represent an art of intimate caresses between two life partners, representing the contemplation of the natural body’s beauty and also a harmony of a couple’s feelings.
In order to receive and give back a positive sexual energy, every woman who wants to experience the art of an erotic massage within her relationship with her lover must know what are the most common mistakes to avoid in this matter. Therefore, in the next paragraphs we will explain what should you never do while practicing an erotic massage.
You should NEVER heat the massage oil in a microwave before practicing the erotic massage
Yes, we all know that feeling when the massage oil is too cold and gives us some trembles. Even though this may happen to your partner too, you should never try to heat the oil. The only thing you can do is to warm it up with your palms before starting to massage your lover. Also, you can avoid this by keeping the oil at room temperature for some hours before surprising your boyfriend.
Avoid dripping oil onto your lover’s body
We all have seen those movies when men benefit from a sensual erotic massage and the therapists starts by dripping oil onto their bodies. Yes, it may seem a smart and sexy move, but only if you are acting in movies.
In real life, no man will enjoy the erotic massage if you drip cold oil onto his body. This action will feel terrible, mainly because the skin is warm and the oil way too cold for touching it. In this way, the erotic massage will not even be closer to your lover’s expectations.
Your thumbs should be your secret weapon when practicing an erotic massage as a professional therapist
In many erotic massages within couples and also in some massage salons with new therapists the thumbs are frequently used. Well, this is certainly a mistake one should definitely avoid making.
For start, think about the moment when someone else is massaging your body. When thumbs are overused, the magic moment never takes place.
Therefore, we highly recommend to use your thumbs only at the beginning of the erotic massage in order to give to your lover a taste of what is going to happen later on. Use your thumbs at the end of the erotic massage and you will notice the positive effects of this action.
Practice the erotic massage art because it is fun and will make you both get relaxed, but don’t try to fix some physical problems while you’re there
An erotic massage is the best way to spend some quality time with your partner in the intimacy of your bedroom. Also, you will both have the opportunity to relax and to reconnect in a sexual way.
Don’t use erotic massages as the only way to help your partner by fixing his body ailments. This should be done by professionals. When you surprise him with an erotic massage, focus only on exploring sexuality within your couple.
Surprise him with an erotic massage because you want to, and not because you expect something in return
Many women tend to frequently do this mistake. Therefore, we advise you to explore the art of the erotic massages only if you strongly want this, and not for some other reasons.
If your partners will feel the need to return this surprise, you will certainly enjoy it more than asking for it.
Therefore, if you think about surprising the one you love with an erotic massage, in order to be successful in this matter we strongly recommend to avoid these frequently mistakes which we presented you previously.