The erotic massage is not like any other type of massage that is applied only to provide some unforgettable sensations to the receiver. It is also conducted as a remedial and sensual therapy for back or neck or arm pain. These things considered erotic massage combines relaxation pleasure every time. An excellent massage always begins with relaxing the body. Our back supports our head and the entire body and also it is the one who most often accumulates tension and annoying pain. Therefore every time we make a good massage we should take these things into account even if it is about a special session as the erotic massage is.
Once the partner is face down begin to massage the back from one side to the other encouraging him to breathe deeply and relax. Pour some massage oil in your palms and rub hands together to warm the liquid. Start by applying massage with the both hands on the lower back just above the buttocks and apply pressure for several seconds just in that spot. Move your hands to the top repeating this technique all parts back to the shoulders. Use your whole hand and big circular motions starting with the lower back to the neck and distributing massage oil throughout the area.
Use the lower pressure while drawing some circles all around both sides of the back. Use mounts hands in a circular motion to put into circulation and bottom first outward and then inward and then return to the center. Now it is time to move on to the shoulders where you begin applying more pressure until you poke your finger deep into the muscle. But this massage should not be painful at all so it is better to be reported when your partner thinks you have crossed the line.
In the case of the buttocks and the lower back put your thumbs just above the tailbone. Apply gentle pressure with your thumbs and go over all this area. Do the same for the whole the spine. Oscillate between a lower and higher pressure to release tension and loosen your own hands. Arms need caring and massage too so take each side arm and shoulder and rub it with both hands very well.
Start with the lower feet ankles and feet massage to relieve pain and insist on pressure points where tension accumulates. Massage also the heels and toes slightly and using your fingers. Even if you do not believe that putting pressure on the feet can help your partner to relax even more and that also stimulates all the erogenous zones of the body. Even in this case you should not hurry to move along. Take your time to take care of each area and be as sensual as possible. Beyond the entire massage session everything you do is all about an intense sexual experience that can occur later between you and your partner.