Everyday we complain about the daily activities we encounter. We don’t have enough time to enjoy some good moments, to relax and the stress is always present. That’s a common issue of 21’st century. Well, we may have a stresfull job and plenty of activities but the main reason wich sets us into a certain mood is, surprise, surprise…the atmosphere and the way we spend our time.
When we speak about massage we want to get out of the shadow it’s main benefits: to relax the body – the muscular tissue in special, and, of course, to relax the mind. With that being said we have to know that the atmosphere is really important and it has to be considered with care.
After all we said, we will present you in the next few ideas some tips you have to follow if you want to create the right mood for a massage session. Respect them and the results will surprise you in a really good way!
#1 Set the temperature
One of the most important aspects of a massage is … you guessed – the temperature. You have to realize that if you want to enjoy that session your body must be completely relaxed and the temperature needs to be perfect.
What is the perfect value of temperature? We must say that we all have some different preferences but usually it is around 23 to 25 degrees, on Celsius scale. If you respect this advice you will fully enjoy every touch, and combining some massage oil with a revigorant aroma will get you to heaven.
#2 Adjust the light
How many times did you realise that if the ambiental light is very strong you get more tired and stressed? Yes, it is true! The light is really important and has a great impact for your eyes and eventually, your brain.
That’s why you have to adjust the light to a lower intensity, a change that will create a warm, relaxing and silent atmosphere, wich is really great for a massage session. In contrast with this idea you can think about the strobe light and the effect it has for your mood, creating an anxiety and a tight feeling.
To make it easy for you we recommend using some candles to create the perfect massage atmosphere. The result will be really relaxing and more intimate than you will ever believe. Just try!
#3 Use some essences
Did you knew that a high percentage of pleasure comes from your olfactive sense? Is it really so? Be sure about that. What can you do in this direction?
The answer is really simple and it consists of some fragrances and essences who can come in different forms, such as candles, sticks, bottles and many others. You will be really surprised about the effect of a great aroma as an aphrodisiac.
#4 Don’t forget about some music
Last but not least, for a full excitement of your senses you have to look up some really good music. You don’t have to worry about this tip because it is really simple to find something perfect for a massage session.
All you have to do is to find some good ambiental music, with nature, rain, birds, something wich can give you a complete feeling of escape and chill. There are a lot of playlists on the internet so this is really an easy task for you.
In the end, we have to say that taking care of the atmosphere inside that massage space will bring a lot of benefits for your body, mind and spirit. There is nothing that stops you from having some really good time and enjoying a perfect massage!